Scholarship applications for the 2025-2026 school year are now available for download below and in our office, located at 121 N Main, Portales, NM 88130. High school seniors may also pick up an application from their school counselor. Please return completed applications and required documentation to our office by 5pm on January 10, 2025.
RCEC's scholarship program is generated by contributions or donations and interest from unclaimed capital credits. Dependents of members are eligible to apply for these scholarships. A scholarship committee meets each year in March to make selections and recipients are introduced during the Annual Meeting in April each year. Scholarship applications are e-mailed to area high school counselors for distribution to senior students that are dependents of members of the cooperative.
Returning College Students can re-apply for a scholarship (amount to be determined according to available funds) on a yearly basis. This application follows the graduating high school senior application.
Members can donate to the Roosevelt County Electric Education Foundation at any time.
2025-2026 HS Scholarship Application.pdf
2025-2026 Returning College Student Scholarship Application.pdf
2025-2026 Trade-Vocational School Scholarship Application.pdf